17. 5. 2022
Novotel, Calea Victoriei 37B, București 030167, Romania
The event will be held in English


08:30 – 08:50 EEST
Registration and coffee
08:50 – 09:00 EEST
Introducing new Gartner team for Romania
09:00 – 10:00 EEST
Session by Mbula Schoen, Gartner Sr. Research Director

Winning the Challenge for IT Talent in a Post Pandemic World

Many organizations are experiencing increased attrition and challenges in attracting the right talent. The talent challenge can stall your digital transformations if not managed well. This session discusses how to effectively win the talent challenge

10:00 – 10:30 EEST
Local panel on IT talent management, hosted by Pavel Bialka, Gartner Executive Partner

Panelists: Constantin Mares (CDO, OTP Bank Romania) , Carlo Driussi (COO, UniCredit Bank Romania)

10:30 – 11:00 EEST
Coffee Break
11.00 – 11:45 EEST
Session by Hynek Bury, Gartner Executive Partner

Is it possible to transform bank into agile at scale and does it make sense?

How does it impact IT, what are the benefits and which mistakes you should not repeat?

12:00 – 13:00 EEST


Mbula Schoen

Mbula Schoen is a Senior Director Analyst with Gartner’s CIO Leadership of Information IT Strategy, Execution and Org team. Ms. Schoen’s expertise focuses on the future of work, talent management, upskilling the IT workforce, Employment Value Proposition (EVP), IT talent attraction and attrition drivers Ms. Schoen is a sought-after speaker and brings more than 20 years of experience working with global companies in Asia, Eastern and Western Europe, and Africa. In addition to her work at Gartner, Ms. Schoen is a visiting professor at a Munich University, where she lectures in management information systems

Pawel Bialka

Pawel Bialka acts as Gartner Executive Partner since 2018, he has previous experience as Senior Executive at EY, CIO at PKP Cargo S.A. and Project Manager at Orange Polska.

Hynek Bury

Hynek Bury joined Gartner as an Executive Partner in 2021, focusing on Gartner clients in the areas of utilities, finance and banking and insurance. Hynek brings experience with the execution of strategic changes from previous operations in GE, HP and Česká spořitelna / Erste Group.



    Registrační poplatky

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    Event venue

    Novotel, Calea Victoriei 37B, București 030167, Romania